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1 | Name | Comments |
2 | Capacity Development | training and development, institutional strengthening, institutional learning |
3 | Civil Society/NGOs | civic action, collective community action, community-based organization (CBO) action, grassroots action, integrative DRR, non-governmental organization (NGO) action |
4 | Climate Change | adaptation to climate change, sustainable development |
5 | Community-based DRR | local knowledge, local risk mapping |
6 | Complex Emergency | multiple hazard crisis, humanitarian crisis, conflict |
7 | Critical Infrastructure | communications systems, health facilities, 'lifelines', power and energy, emergency evacuation shelters, financial infrastructure, schools, transportation, waste disposal, water supplies |
8 | Disaster Risk Management | civil protection, contingency and emergency planning, early recovery, preparedness |
9 | Early Warning | risk knowledge, monitoring and warning service, risk communication, response capability, disaster preparedness, risk modelling |
10 | Economics of DRR | cost benefit analysis, disaster risk financing, financial effects of disasters, poverty and disaster risk, risk sharing, socio-economic impacts of disasters |
11 | Education & School Safety | learning, safe schools |
12 | Environment | sustainable development, environmental degradation, ecosystems and environmental management |
13 | Food Security & Agriculture | cost benefit analysis, disaster risk financing, financial effects of disasters, poverty and disaster risk, risk sharing, socio-economic impacts of disasterscost benefit analysis, disaster risk financing, financial effects of disasters, poverty and disaster risk, risk sharing, socio-economic impacts of disasters |
14 | Gender | gendered vulnerability, gender-sensitive disaster risk management |
15 | GIS & Mapping | geographic information systems, hazard exposure mapping, vulnerability mapping, risk mapping |
16 | Governance | disaster risk reduction policy and legislation, National Platform for disaster risk reduction, Regional Platforms for disaster risk reduction |
17 | Health & Health Facilities | capacity of health practitioners, mental health |
18 | Indigenous Knowledge | indigenous early warning system, local adaptation for implementation, local knowledge, local skills, local technical knowledge, local knowledge systems, traditional knowledge, transferable indigenous knowledge; related: coastal zones, food security and agricultural practice, housing, mountain ecosystems, river basin management, water management |
19 | Information Management | disaster databases, disaster information, disaster risk information portals, ICT |
20 | Media | disaster reporting, disaster information dissemination |
21 | Private-public Partnerships | corporate social responsibility, private sector engagement in DRR |
22 | Recovery | building back better, long-term recovery and reconstruction, rehabilitation, shelter |
23 | Risk Identification & Assessment | risk assessment, loss data, disaster risk management |
24 | Risk Transfer & Insurance | disaster insurance, contingency funding, micro-insurance, post-disaster loans, risk financing, risk insurance, risk sharing, pooling |
25 | Social Impacts & Resilience | coping capacity, loss absorption, loss acceptance, psychosocial support, social vulnerability, trauma prevention |
26 | Space Technology | satellite disaster imagery |
27 | Structural Safety | building codes, building standards, building materials, construction, retrofitting |
28 | Urban Risk & Planning | urban planning, urban management |
29 | Vulnerable Populations | at-risk populations, including: children, orphans, disabled, elderly, homeless, hospitalized people, illegal immigrants, illiterate, medically or chemically dependent, impoverished populations, migrants, Person With Disabilities (PWDs), speakers of non-local languages |
30 | Water | drinking water, freshwater, irrigation, potable water, water and sanitation, water resource management |