- Bump basic OS to Alpine 3.9 - Restructure repo and add layer versioning - Use JSON for all metadata - Merge abuild branch (but without abuild)
41 lines
1.0 KiB
41 lines
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IMAGE ecogis
LAYER shared/alpine3.8
LAYER shared/alpine3.8-php5.6
LAYER ecogis/ecogis
# Install runtime dependencies
apk --no-cache add php5-dom php5-gettext php5-pdo_pgsql php5-xml
# Install build dependencies
apk --no-cache add --virtual .deps git php5-openssl php5-pear php5-phar
# Install composer
wget https://getcomposer.org/download/1.8.0/composer.phar -O /usr/bin/composer
chmod +x /usr/bin/composer
# Clone EcoGIS
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/r3-gis/EcoGIS /srv/ecogis
# Compose
cd /srv/ecogis
HOME=/tmp composer install
pear install Auth Log
# Create OS user
addgroup -S -g 8020 ecogis
adduser -S -u 8020 -h /srv/ecogis -s /bin/false -g ecogis -G ecogis ecogis
# Cleanup
apk --no-cache del .deps
find /srv/ecogis -name '.git*' -exec rm -rf {} +
rm -rf /usr/bin/composer /tmp/.composer
COPY lxc
# MOUNT DIR /srv/ecogis/data srv/ecogis/data/files
MOUNT FILE /srv/ecogis/conf/config.php srv/ecogis/etc/config.php
CMD s6-svscan /etc/services.d