IMAGE postgres 11.3.0-190620 META title PostgreSQL META desc-cs Relační databázový systém s podporou pro geografické objekty META desc-en Relational database management system with support for geographic objects META type service META license GPL LAYER alpine3.9 3.9.4-190620 RUN EOF # Modify OS user (which will be picked up later by apk add) sed -i 's/postgres:x:70:70/postgres:x:5432:5432/' /etc/passwd sed -i 's/postgres:x:70/postgres:x:5432/' /etc/group # Install PostgreSQL + PostGIS apk --no-cache add postgresql postgresql-contrib postgis@vm # Create socket directory mkdir /run/postgresql chown postgres:postgres /run/postgresql EOF MOUNT DIR /srv/postgres/data var/lib/postgresql USER 5432 5432 CMD postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql