This is the main repository containing all installation scripts, configuration and customization of operating system all application present in Spotter Cluster virtual machine. ## Operating system preparation ### Virtual machine specifications - **Memory:** 4 GB - **CPU:** 1 processor, 2 cores - **Hard Disk:** SCSI, 60 GB ### Operating system media download Download **Debian 9.0.0 amd64 netinstall** from and launch Text-mode installation ## Operating system installation ### Locale settings - **Language:** English - **Country, territory or area:** other - **Continent or region:** Europe - **Country, territory or area:** Czech Republic - **Country to base default locale settings on:** United States - en_US.UTF-8 - **Keymap to use:** American English ### Hostname - **Hostname:** debian - **Domain name:** [leave blank] ### Users - **Root password:** [random password of your choice] - **Full name for the new user:** user - **Username for your account:** user - **Choose a password for the new user:** [random passowrd of your choice] Note: The *user* account will be deleted afterwards as part of installation steps. ### Partitions - **Partitioning method:** Manual 1. Create empty partition table on SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) 2. Create new partition - **New partition size:** 256 MB - **Type for the new partition:** Primary - **Location for the new partition:** Beginning - Definition - **Use as:** Ext2 file system - **Format the partition:** yes, format it - **Mount point:** /boot - **Mount options:** default - **Label:** none - **Reserved blocks:** 5% - **Typical usage:** standard - **Bootable flag:** on 3. Create new partition - **New partition size:** [maximum] - **Type for the new partition:** Primary - **Location for the new partition:** Beginning - Definition - **Use as:** physical volume for encryption - **Encryption method:** Device-mapper (dm-crypt) - **Encryption:** aes - **Key size:** 128 - **IV algorithm:** xts-plain64 - **Encryption key:** Passphrase - **Erase data:** no - **Bootable flag:** off 4. Configure encrypted volumes - Create encrypted volumes - /dev/sda2 - Finish - **Encryption passphrase:** [random] 5. Select encrypted volume (sda2_crypt), partition #1 - **Use as:** physical volume for LVM 6. Configure the Logical Volume Manager - Create volume group - **Volume group name:** vg0 - **Devices for the new volume group:** /dev/mapper/sda2_crypt - Create logical volume - **Volume group:** vg0 - **Logical volume name:** swap - **Logical volume size:** 4 GB - Create logical volume - **Volume group:** vg0 - **Logical volume name:** root - **Logical volume size:** [maximum] - Finish 7. Select LVM VG vg0, LV root, partition #1 - Definition - **Use as:** Ext4 journaling file system - **Mount point:** / - **Mount options:** noatime - **Label:** none - **Reserved blocks:** 1% - **Typical usage:** standard 8. Select LVM VG vg0, LV swap, partition #1 - **Use as:** swap area 9. Finish partitioning and write changes to disk ### Packages - **Scan another CD or DVD?:** No - **Debian archive mirror counrty:** Czechia - **Debian archive mirror:** - **HTTP proxy information:** [leave blank] - **Participate in package survey:** No - **Choose software to install:** [unselect all] ### Bootloader - **Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record?:** yes - **Device for boot loader installation:** /dev/sda ## Application installation ### First time setup ``` # Update package info apt update # Install git apt install git # Clone the repository git clone # Enter the repository directory cd Spotter-Cluster # Optional: Edit the install sequence script vi # Launch the script ./ ``` ### Resuming from a snapshot Assumes that the repository has already been cloned. ``` # Enter the repository directory cd Spotter-Cluster # Update repository git pull # Optional: Edit the install sequence script vi # Launch the script ./ ```