Form.create!([ {legacy_event_id: 1, html: "\r\n

Demo Waiting List: Enter property damage and needs. No sensitive information! Tell the client this information will be shared with many organizations to provide service as fast as possible, which may be several weeks. Service is not guaranteed.


Property and Personal Information Crisis Cleanup is about property, not people.
Never include SSNs, FEMA numbers, dates of birth, detailed medical information, etc.\">

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Work to request another question. Be sure to include the incident name.\">

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Structural Issues
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Tree Work
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Feeding Unit
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Claim, Status and Report

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Other Information

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\r\n"} ]) Legacy::LegacyContact.create!([ {email: "", first_name: "Demo", last_name: "User", legacy_organization_id: 2, is_primary: false, phone: "(555) 555-5555", appengine_key: nil, title: nil, organizational_title: nil} ]) Legacy::LegacyEvent.create!([ {case_label: "A", counties: [], name: "Demo Incident", short_name: "demo", created_date: "2016-05-31", start_date: "2016-05-31", end_date: nil, num_sites: nil, reminder_contents: "", reminder_days: nil, timestamp_last_login: nil, appengine_key: nil} ]) Legacy::LegacyOrganization.create!([ {activate_by: nil, activated_at: nil, activation_code: nil, address: "", admin_notes: nil, city: "", deprecated: false, email: "", facebook: "", is_active: true, is_admin: true, latitude: nil, longitude: nil, name: "Admin Org", not_an_org: false, only_session_authentication: false, org_verified: true, password: nil, permissions: nil, phone: nil, physical_presence: nil, publish: nil, reputable: nil, state: "", terms_privacy: nil, timestamp_login: nil, timestamp_signup: nil, twitter: "", url: "", voad_referral: nil, work_area: nil, zip_code: "", voad_member: nil, mold_treatment: nil, tree_removal: nil, design: nil, replace_appliances: nil, canvass: nil, sanitizing: nil, exterior_debris: nil, water_pumping: nil, appropriate_work: nil, reconstruction: nil, interior_debris: nil, assessment: nil, muck_out: nil, permission: nil, refurbishing: nil, clean_up: nil, mold_abatement: nil, permits: nil, replace_furniture: nil, gutting: nil, number_volunteers: nil, primary_contact_email: nil, voad_member_url: nil, appengine_key: nil, referral: "", publishable: false, _password_hash_list: nil, does_damage_assessment: false, does_intake_assessment: nil, does_cleanup: false, does_follow_up: false, does_minor_repairs: false, does_rebuilding: false, does_coordination: false, government: false, does_other_activity: false, where_are_you_working: "", accepted_terms: true, accepted_terms_timestamp: "2017-09-18 20:46:30", review_other_organizations: false, situational_awareness: nil, does_recovery: nil, does_only_coordination: nil, does_only_sit_aware: nil, does_something_else: nil}, {activate_by: nil, activated_at: nil, activation_code: nil, address: "", admin_notes: nil, city: "", deprecated: false, email: "", facebook: "", is_active: false, is_admin: false, latitude: nil, longitude: nil, name: "Demo Org", not_an_org: true, only_session_authentication: false, org_verified: false, password: nil, permissions: nil, phone: nil, physical_presence: nil, publish: nil, reputable: nil, state: "", terms_privacy: nil, timestamp_login: nil, timestamp_signup: nil, twitter: "", url: "", voad_referral: nil, work_area: nil, zip_code: "", voad_member: nil, mold_treatment: nil, tree_removal: nil, design: nil, replace_appliances: nil, canvass: nil, sanitizing: nil, exterior_debris: nil, water_pumping: nil, appropriate_work: nil, reconstruction: nil, interior_debris: nil, assessment: nil, muck_out: nil, permission: nil, refurbishing: nil, clean_up: nil, mold_abatement: nil, permits: nil, replace_furniture: nil, gutting: nil, number_volunteers: nil, primary_contact_email: nil, voad_member_url: nil, appengine_key: nil, referral: "", publishable: false, _password_hash_list: nil, does_damage_assessment: true, does_intake_assessment: nil, does_cleanup: true, does_follow_up: true, does_minor_repairs: true, does_rebuilding: true, does_coordination: true, government: true, does_other_activity: true, where_are_you_working: "Houston", accepted_terms: true, accepted_terms_timestamp: "2017-09-18 20:46:30", review_other_organizations: true, situational_awareness: nil, does_recovery: nil, does_only_coordination: nil, does_only_sit_aware: nil, does_something_else: nil} ]) Legacy::LegacyOrganizationEvent.create!([ {legacy_organization_id: 1, legacy_event_id: 1}, {legacy_organization_id: 2, legacy_event_id: 1} ]) Legacy::LegacySite.create!([ {address: "200 Epcot Center Drive", blurred_latitude: 28.3849506927356, blurred_longitude: -81.5443968549352, case_number: "A7", city: "Orlando", claimed_by: 2, legacy_event_id: 1, latitude: 28.383045, longitude: -81.5485919, name: "Timothy Schmidt", phone1: "1234567890", reported_by: 2, requested_at: nil, state: "Florida", status: "Open, unassigned", work_type: "Debris", data: {"email"=>"", "notes"=>"", "habitable"=>"n", "assigned_to"=>"", "electricity"=>"n", "prepared_by"=>"", "rent_or_own"=>"", "unsafe_roof"=>"n", "cross_street"=>"", "status_notes"=>"", "time_to_call"=>"", "older_than_60"=>"n", "other_hazards"=>"", "roof_collapse"=>"n", "special_needs"=>"", "num_trees_down"=>"0", "num_wide_trees"=>"0", "chainsaw_needed"=>"n", "first_responder"=>"n", "autofill_disable"=>"", "electrical_lines"=>"n", "total_volunteers"=>"", "destruction_level"=>"", "meal_location_poc"=>"", "do_not_work_before"=>"", "meal_serving_times"=>"", "structural_problems"=>"n", "required_daily_meals"=>"", "work_without_resident"=>"n", "interior_debris_removal"=>"n", "unsalvageable_structure"=>"n", "heavy_machinary_required"=>"n", "vegitative_debris_removal"=>"n", "hours_worked_per_volunteer"=>"", "initials_of_resident_present"=>"", "nonvegitative_debris_removal"=>"n", "member_of_assessing_organization"=>"n"}, request_date: "2017-09-18", appengine_key: nil, zip_code: "32821", county: "Orange County", phone2: "", work_requested: "", name_metaphone: "TM0 SXMTT", city_metaphone: "ORLNT", county_metaphone: "ORNJ KNT", address_metaphone: " EPKT SNTR TRF", user_id: 2} ]) User.create!([ {email: "${CRISISCLEANUP_ADMIN_EMAIL}", password: "${CRISISCLEANUP_ADMIN_PWD}", name: "${CRISISCLEANUP_ADMIN_USER}", reset_password_token: nil, reset_password_sent_at: nil, remember_created_at: nil, sign_in_count: 1, legacy_organization_id: 1, current_sign_in_at: "2016-07-15 03:45:59", last_sign_in_at: "2016-06-08 16:56:37", current_sign_in_ip: "", last_sign_in_ip: "", referring_user_id: nil, admin: true, role: nil, mobile: nil, accepted_terms: true, accepted_terms_timestamp: "2017-09-18 20:46:31", title: nil} ])