"Catalog","Category Code","Category","Item Code","Item Name","Unit of Measure","Pack","Pack2 Quantity","Notes"
"Default","Agriculture","Agriculture","AgRice20","Rice Seed","sack20kg",,,"This should provide enough seed for 1 Hectare of land"
"Default","Food","Food","FdRice5","Rice","kg","sack",5,"This should feed 12 people for 1 day"
"Default","Food","Food","FdRice50","Rice","kg","sack",50,"This should feed 125 people for 1 day"
"Default","Food","Food","FdCookKit","Cooking Utensils","kit",,,"Cooking Utensils for a Household"
"Default","Health","Health","HlFAidKit","First Aid Kit","kit",,,"This should provide basic first aid (bandages, oral rehydration salts, etc) for 100 people to self-administer"
"Default","Health","Health","HlMedKit","Medical Kit","kit",,,"This should provide medical supplies (medicines, vaccines) for a professional clinic to provide assistance to a total community of 10,000 people."
"Default","Shelter","Shelter","ShTentKit","Shelter Kit","kit",,,"This kit is suitable to provide emergency repair to a damaged home. It contains a tarpaulin, zinc sheet, wooden poles, hammer & nails"
"Default","Shelter","Shelter","ShTent","Tent","piece",,,"This should house a family of up to 8 people"
"Default","WASH","WASH","WSHygKit","Hygiene Kit","kit",,,"Personal Hygiene supplies for 100 Households (5 persons/household): Each get 2x Buckets, 10x Soap, Cotton cloth"
"Default","WASH","WASH","WswPure","Water Purification Sachets","kit",,,"Designed to provide a 1st phase drinking water purification solution at the household level. Contains 600 sachets to provide sufficient drinking water (4l) for 100 people for 30 days."