IMAGE rabbitmq_3.8.9-201021 FROM alpine3.12_3.12.1-201021 RUN EOF # Install RabbitMQ runtime dependencies apk --no-cache add procps openssl # Install RabbitMQ build dependencies apk --no-cache add --virtual .deps autoconf gcc libc-dev linux-headers make ncurses-dev openssl-dev # Download and unpack Erlang/OTP cd /tmp wget tar xf OTP-* # Compile and install Erlang/OTP cd /tmp/otp-* export ERL_TOP=$(pwd) export CFLAGS='-g -O2' ./otp_build autoconf ./configure \ --host=x86_64-linux-musl \ --build=x86_64-linux-musl \ --disable-dynamic-ssl-lib \ --disable-hipe \ --disable-sctp \ --disable-silent-rules \ --enable-clock-gettime \ --enable-hybrid-heap \ --enable-kernel-poll \ --enable-shared-zlib \ --enable-smp-support \ --enable-threads \ --with-microstate-accounting=extra \ --without-common_test \ --without-debugger \ --without-dialyzer \ --without-diameter \ --without-edoc \ --without-erl_docgen \ --without-erl_interface \ --without-et \ --without-eunit \ --without-ftp \ --without-hipe \ --without-jinterface \ --without-megaco \ --without-observer \ --without-odbc \ --without-reltool \ --without-ssh \ --without-tftp \ --without-wx make -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) GEN_OPT_FLGS="-O2 -fno-strict-aliasing" make install # Download and install RabbitMQ cd /tmp wget tar xf rabbitmq-server-* -C /opt mv /opt/rabbitmq* /opt/rabbitmq sed -i 's/^SYS_PREFIX=.*$/SYS_PREFIX=/' /opt/rabbitmq/sbin/rabbitmq-defaults ln -s /opt/rabbitmq/sbin/* /usr/sbin/ # Create RabbitMQ OS user addgroup -S -g 5672 rabbitmq adduser -S -u 5672 -h /var/lib/rabbitmq -s /bin/false -g rabbitmq -G rabbitmq rabbitmq # Create RabbitMQ directory structure mkdir -p /var/lib/rabbitmq /etc/rabbitmq/conf.d /var/log/rabbitmq chown -R rabbitmq:rabbitmq /opt/rabbitmq /var/lib/rabbitmq /etc/rabbitmq /var/log/rabbitmq chmod 755 /var/lib/rabbitmq /etc/rabbitmq /var/log/rabbitmq # Cleanup apk --no-cache del .deps rm -rf /usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/*/examples /usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/*/src /tmp/* EOF USER rabbitmq ENV HOME /var/lib/rabbitmq ENV RABBITMQ_LOGS - CMD /usr/sbin/rabbitmq-server READY /usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl await_startup