# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 encoding=utf-8 """ Monitoring Template-specific Monitoring Tasks are defined here. @copyright: 2014-2020 (c) Sahana Software Foundation @license: MIT Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ __all__ = ("S3Monitor",) import datetime import json import os import platform import subprocess import sys from gluon import current try: import requests except ImportError: REQUESTS = None else: REQUESTS = True INSTANCE_TYPES = {"prod": 1, "setup": 2, "test": 3, "demo": 4, } # ============================================================================= class S3Monitor(object): """ Monitoring Check Scripts """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def diskspace(task_id, run_id): """ Test the free diskspace """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db # Read the Task Options ttable = s3db.setup_monitor_task task = db(ttable.id == task_id).select(ttable.options, ttable.server_id, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() options = task.options or {} options_get = options.get partition = options_get("partition", "/") # Root Partition by default space_min = options_get("space_min", 1000000000) # 1 Gb stable = s3db.setup_server server = db(stable.id == task.server_id).select(stable.host_ip, stable.remote_user, stable.private_key, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() if server.host_ip == "": result = os.statvfs(partition) space = result.f_bavail * result.f_frsize percent = float(result.f_bavail) / float(result.f_blocks) * 100 if space < space_min: return {"result": "Warning: %s free (%d%%)" % \ (_bytes_to_size_string(space), percent), "status": 2, } return {"result": "OK. %s free (%d%%)" % \ (_bytes_to_size_string(space), percent), "status": 1, } ssh = _ssh(server) if isinstance(ssh, dict): # We failed to login return ssh command = "import os;result=os.statvfs('%s');print(result.f_bavail);print(result.f_frsize);print(result.f_blocks)" % partition stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('python -c "%s"' % command) outlines = stdout.readlines() ssh.close() f_bavail = int(outlines[0]) f_frsize = int(outlines[1]) f_blocks = int(outlines[2]) space = f_bavail * f_frsize percent = float(f_bavail) / float(f_blocks) * 100 if space < space_min: return {"result": "Warning: %s free (%d%%)" % \ (_bytes_to_size_string(space), percent), "status": 2, } return {"result": "OK. %s free (%d%%)" % \ (_bytes_to_size_string(space), percent), "status": 1, } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def eden(task_id, run_id): """ Test that we can retrieve the public_url, which checks: - DNS must resolve to correct IP - Server must be up - Firewall cannot be blocking - Web server is running - UWSGI is running - Database is running - Eden can connect to Database """ if REQUESTS is None: return {"result": "Critical: Requests library not installed", "status": 3, } db = current.db s3db = current.s3db # Read the Task Options ttable = s3db.setup_monitor_task task = db(ttable.id == task_id).select(ttable.options, ttable.deployment_id, ttable.server_id, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() options = task.options or {} options_get = options.get appname = options_get("appname", "eden") public_url = options_get("public_url") timeout = options_get("timeout", 60) # 60s (default is no timeout!) if not public_url: deployment_id = task.deployment_id if deployment_id: # Read from the instance itable = s3db.setup_instance query = (itable.deployment_id == deployment_id) & \ (itable.type == 1) instance = db(query).select(itable.url, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() if instance: public_url = instance.url if not public_url: # Use the server name stable = s3db.setup_server server = db(stable.id == task.server_id).select(stable.name, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() public_url = "https://%s" % server.name url = "%(public_url)s/%(appname)s/default/public_url" % {"appname": appname, "public_url": public_url, } try: r = requests.get(url, timeout = timeout) # verify=True except requests.exceptions.SSLError: # e.g. Expired Certificate import traceback tb_parts = sys.exc_info() tb_text = "".join(traceback.format_exception(tb_parts[0], tb_parts[1], tb_parts[2])) return {"result": "Critical: SSL Error\n\n%s" % tb_text, "status": 3, } except requests.exceptions.Timeout: import traceback tb_parts = sys.exc_info() tb_text = "".join(traceback.format_exception(tb_parts[0], tb_parts[1], tb_parts[2])) return {"result": "Critical: Timeout Error\n\n%s" % tb_text, "status": 3, } except requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects: import traceback tb_parts = sys.exc_info() tb_text = "".join(traceback.format_exception(tb_parts[0], tb_parts[1], tb_parts[2])) return {"result": "Critical: TooManyRedirects Error\n\n%s" % tb_text, "status": 3, } except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: # e.g. DNS Error import traceback tb_parts = sys.exc_info() tb_text = "".join(traceback.format_exception(tb_parts[0], tb_parts[1], tb_parts[2])) return {"result": "Critical: Connection Error\n\n%s" % tb_text, "status": 3, } if r.status_code != 200: return {"result": "Critical: HTTP Error. Status = %s" % r.status_code, "status": 3, } if r.text != public_url: return {"result": "Critical: Page returned '%s' instead of '%s'" % \ (r.text, public_url), "status": 3, } latency = int(r.elapsed.microseconds / 1000) latency_max = options_get("latency_max", 2000) # 2 seconds if latency > latency_max: return {"result": "Warning: Latency of %s exceeded threshold of %s." % \ (latency, latency_max), "status": 2, } return {"result": "OK. Latency: %s" % latency, "status": 1, } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def email_round_trip(task_id, run_id): """ Check that a Mailbox is being Polled & Parsed OK and can send replies """ # Read the Task Options ttable = current.s3db.setup_monitor_task task = current.db(ttable.id == task_id).select(ttable.options, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() options = task.options or {} options_get = options.get to = options_get("to", None) if not to: return {"result": "Critical: No recipient address specified", "status": 3, } subject = options_get("subject", "") message = options_get("message", "") reply_to = options_get("reply_to") if not reply_to: # Use the outbound email address reply_to = current.deployment_settings.get_mail_sender() if not reply_to: return {"result": "Critical: No reply_to specified", "status": 3, } # Append the run_id for the remote parser to identify as a monitoring message & return to us to be able to match the run message = "%s\n%s" % (message, ":run_id:%s:" % run_id) # Append the reply_to address for the remote parser message = "%s\n%s" % (message, ":reply_to:%s:" % reply_to) # Send the Email result = current.msg.send_email(to, subject, message, reply_to = reply_to) if result: # Schedule a task to see if the reply has arrived wait = options_get("wait", 60) # Default = 60 minutes start_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + \ datetime.timedelta(minutes = wait) current.s3task.schedule_task("setup_monitor_check_email_reply", args = [run_id], start_time = start_time, timeout = 300, # seconds repeats = 1 # one-time ) return {"result": "OK so far: Waiting for Reply", "status": 1, } return {"result": "Critical: Unable to send Email", "status": 3, } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def http(task_id, run_id): """ Test that HTTP is accessible """ if REQUESTS is None: return {"result": "Critical: Requests library not installed", "status": 3, } raise NotImplementedError # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def https(task_id, run_id): """ Test that HTTP is accessible """ if REQUESTS is None: return {"result": "Critical: Requests library not installed", "status": 3, } raise NotImplementedError # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def load_average(task_id, run_id): """ Test the Load Average """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db # Read the Task Options ttable = s3db.setup_monitor_task task = db(ttable.id == task_id).select(ttable.options, ttable.server_id, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() options = task.options or {} options_get = options.get which = options_get("which", 2) # 15 min average load_max = options_get("load_max", 2) stable = s3db.setup_server server = db(stable.id == task.server_id).select(stable.host_ip, stable.remote_user, stable.private_key, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() if server.host_ip == "": loadavg = os.getloadavg() if loadavg[which] > load_max: return {"result": "Warning: load average: %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f" % \ (loadavg[0], loadavg[1], loadavg[2]), "status": 2, } return {"result": "OK. load average: %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f" % \ (loadavg[0], loadavg[1], loadavg[2]), "status": 1, } ssh = _ssh(server) if isinstance(ssh, dict): # We failed to login return ssh command = "import os;loadavg=os.getloadavg();print(loadavg[0]);print(loadavg[1]);print(loadavg[2])" stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('python -c "%s"' % command) outlines = stdout.readlines() ssh.close() loadavg = {0: float(outlines[0]), 1: float(outlines[1]), 2: float(outlines[2]), } if loadavg[which] > load_max: return {"result": "Warning: load average: %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f" % \ (loadavg[0], loadavg[1], loadavg[2]), "status": 2, } return {"result": "OK. load average: %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f" % \ (loadavg[0], loadavg[1], loadavg[2]), "status": 1, } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def ping(task_id, run_id): """ ICMP Ping a server - NB AWS instances don't respond to ICMP Ping by default, but this can be enabled in the Firewall """ s3db = current.s3db # Read the IP to Ping ttable = s3db.setup_monitor_task stable = s3db.setup_server query = (ttable.id == task_id) & \ (ttable.server_id == stable.id) row = current.db(query).select(stable.host_ip, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() host_ip = row.host_ip try: # @ToDo: Replace with socket? # - we want to see the latency if platform.system().lower == "windows": _format = "n" else: _format = "c" output = subprocess.check_output("ping -{} 1 {}".format(_format, host_ip), shell = True) except Exception: import traceback tb_parts = sys.exc_info() tb_text = "".join(traceback.format_exception(tb_parts[0], tb_parts[1], tb_parts[2])) return {"result": "Critical: Ping failed\n\n%s" % tb_text, "status": 3, } return {"result": "OK", "status": 1, } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def scheduler(task_id, run_id): """ Test whether the scheduler is running """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db # Read the Task Options ttable = s3db.setup_monitor_task task = db(ttable.id == task_id).select(ttable.options, ttable.server_id, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() options = task.options or {} options_get = options.get stable = s3db.setup_server server = db(stable.id == task.server_id).select(stable.host_ip, stable.remote_user, stable.private_key, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() earliest = current.request.utcnow - datetime.timedelta(seconds = 900) # 15 minutes if server.host_ip == "": # This shouldn't make much sense as a check, since this won't run if the scheduler has died # - however in practise, it can actually provide useful warning! wtable = s3db.scheduler_worker worker = db(wtable.status == "ACTIVE").select(wtable.last_heartbeat, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() error = None if worker is None: error = "Warning: Scheduler not ACTIVE" elif worker.last_heartbeat < earliest: error = "Warning: Scheduler stalled since %s" % worker.last_heartbeat.strftime("%H:%M %a %d %b") if error: appname = options_get("appname", "eden") instance = options_get("instance", "prod") # Restart uwsgi error += "\n\nAttempting to restart:\n" # Note this needs to actually run after last task as it kills us ;) # NB Need to ensure the web2py user has permission to run sudo command = 'echo "sudo service uwsgi-%s restart" | at now + 1 minutes' % instance output = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, shell = True) error += output.decode("utf-8") # Restart Monitoring Scripts command = 'echo "cd /home/%s;python web2py.py --no-banner -S %s -M -R applications/%s/static/scripts/tools/restart_monitor_tasks.py" | at now + 5 minutes' % \ (instance, appname, appname) output = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, shell = True) error += output.decode("utf-8") return {"result": error, "status": 3, } return {"result": "OK", "status": 1, } ssh = _ssh(server) if isinstance(ssh, dict): # We failed to login return ssh appname = options_get("appname", "eden") instance = options_get("instance", "prod") command = "cd /home/%s;python web2py.py --no-banner -S %s -M -R applications/%s/static/scripts/tools/check_scheduler.py -A '%s'" % \ (instance, appname, appname, earliest) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command) outlines = stdout.readlines() if outlines: error = outlines[0] # Restart uwsgi error += "\n\nAttempting to restart:\n" command = "sudo service uwsgi-%s restart" % instance stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command) outlines = stdout.readlines() if outlines: error += "\n".join(outlines) else: # Doesn't usually give any output error += "OK" ssh.close() return {"result": error, "status": 3, } ssh.close() return {"result": "OK", "status": 1, } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def tcp(task_id, run_id): """ Test that a TCP port is accessible """ raise NotImplementedError # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def tickets(task_id, run_id): """ Test whether there are new tickets today - designed to be run daily (period 86400s) """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db # Read the Task Options ttable = s3db.setup_monitor_task task = db(ttable.id == task_id).select(ttable.options, #ttable.period, ttable.server_id, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() options = task.options or {} options_get = options.get stable = s3db.setup_server server = db(stable.id == task.server_id).select(stable.host_ip, stable.remote_user, stable.private_key, stable.deployment_id, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() request = current.request today = request.utcnow.date().isoformat() if server.host_ip == "": appname = request.application public_url = current.deployment_settings.get_base_public_url() tickets = os.listdir("applications/%s/errors" % appname) new = [] for ticket in tickets: #if os.stat(ticket).st_mtime < now - task.period: if today in ticket: url = "%s/%s/admin/ticket/%s/%s" % (public_url, appname, appname, ticket, ) new.append(url) if new: return {"result": "Warning: New tickets:\n\n%s" % "\n".join(new), "status": 2, } return {"result": "OK", "status": 1, } ssh = _ssh(server) if isinstance(ssh, dict): # We failed to login return ssh appname = options_get("appname", "eden") instance = options_get("instance", "prod") command = "import os;ts=os.listdir('/home/%s/applications/%s/errors');for t in ts:print(t) if '%s' in t" % \ (instance, appname, today) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('python -c "%s"' % command) outlines = stdout.readlines() ssh.close() if outlines: itable = s3db.setup_instance query = (itable.deployment_id == server.deployment_id) & \ (itable.type == INSTANCE_TYPES[instance]) instance = db(query).select(itable.url, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() public_url = instance.url new = [] for ticket in outlines: url = "%s/%s/admin/ticket/%s/%s" % (public_url, appname, appname, ticket, ) new.append(url) return {"result": "Warning: New tickets:\n\n%s" % "\n".join(new), "status": 2, } return {"result": "OK", "status": 1, } # ============================================================================= def _bytes_to_size_string(b): #def _bytes_to_size_string(b: int) -> str: """ Convert a number in bytes to a sensible unit. From https://github.com/jamesoff/simplemonitor/blob/develop/simplemonitor/Monitors/host.py#L35 """ kb = 1024 mb = kb * 1024 gb = mb * 1024 tb = gb * 1024 if b > tb: return "%0.2fTiB" % (b / float(tb)) elif b > gb: return "%0.2fGiB" % (b / float(gb)) elif b > mb: return "%0.2fMiB" % (b / float(mb)) elif b > kb: return "%0.2fKiB" % (b / float(kb)) else: return str(b) # ============================================================================= def _ssh(server): """ SSH into a Server """ remote_user = server.remote_user private_key = server.private_key if not private_key or not remote_user: if remote_user: return {"result": "Critical. Missing Private Key", "status": 3, } elif private_key: return {"result": "Critical. Missing Remote User", "status": 3, } else: return {"result": "Critical. Missing Remote User & Private Key", "status": 3, } # SSH in & run check try: import paramiko except ImportError: return {"result": "Critical. Paramiko required.", "status": 3, } keyfile = open(os.path.join(current.request.folder, "uploads", private_key), "r") mykey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key(keyfile) ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: ssh.connect(hostname = server.host_ip, username = remote_user, pkey = mykey) except paramiko.ssh_exception.AuthenticationException: import traceback tb_parts = sys.exc_info() tb_text = "".join(traceback.format_exception(tb_parts[0], tb_parts[1], tb_parts[2])) return {"result": "Critical. Authentication Error\n\n%s" % tb_text, "status": 3, } except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: import traceback tb_parts = sys.exc_info() tb_text = "".join(traceback.format_exception(tb_parts[0], tb_parts[1], tb_parts[2])) return {"result": "Critical. SSH Error\n\n%s" % tb_text, "status": 3, } return ssh # END =========================================================================