IMAGE cts_0.8.0-210106 FROM alpine3.11-python2.7_2.7.18-210106 # Alpine 3.11 is the latest version to have both python2 and geos RUN EOF # Install runtime dependencies apk --no-cache add geos libpq nginx zlib # Install build dependencies apk --no-cache add --virtual .deps build-base git postgresql-dev python2-dev py2-pip zlib-dev # Install CTS git clone --depth 1 /srv/cts pip install -r /srv/cts/requirements/production.txt # Hackfix geos version detection sed -i 's/\$//' /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/gis/geos/ # Make globally executable chmod +x /srv/cts/ ln -s /srv/cts/ /usr/local/bin/ # Compile static files sed -i '/debug_toolbar/d' /srv/cts/cts/settings/ collectstatic -l --noinput # Create OS user addgroup -S -g 8080 cts adduser -S -u 8080 -h /srv/cts -s /bin/false -g cts -G cts cts chown -R cts:cts /srv/cts # Cleanup apk --no-cache del .deps find /srv/cts -name '.git*' -exec rm -rf {} + rm -rf /root/.cache EOF COPY image.d ENV DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE cts.settings.spotter WORKDIR /srv/cts CMD /bin/s6-svscan /etc/services.d